Sunday, May 17, 2015

Literacy Progressions

For writing we are doing a project called Literacy Progressions. This is when you set some goals that you think you need to improve on in your writing, for example, I need to work on making more complex punctuation and sentences. So then you have to write 4 stories working on these goals you have set. I really enjoy it. I think it really helps with your writing and work. I have finished two stories and I have achieved a goal in the first story. That goal was to stick with the genre and to make the story make sense. The other one I have to work on is my spelling and to make more paragraphs. Because I always just write my story all down and  I don't put any paragraphs. I still really enjoy writing though and it has got to be my favourite subject. My two stories I have written are completely fictional but I think I have done a good job. The first one I wrote was called Comedy Interview. For Literacy Progressions, the whole class has to write 4 stories about WW1. So I did a story about a man called Derrick Mcjonesly and he interviews a man from war and his name is Greg Lacookas. Greg is not the smartest chap and he doesn't really answer the questions that Derrick asks him. The second story I wrote was about a soldier in WW1 and he writes to his mother but he doesn't know that his mother is actually dead and he still writes to her. The story is called Letters 1 to 12. The one I am working on now is called A Comedy Story With Tony Abbott. As you can tell I love comedy stories. It's because I really enjoy making people laugh and smile. So I am planning to make the story I am working on now, about Tony Abbott and this guy called Simon telling a comedy story about WW1. 

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